October 1st: Application for FAFSA opens. Please click the following TWO links:
Federal Application for Financial Aid 
State Financial Aid
RHS Counselors will be hosting the Get 2 College FAFSA Day onDecember 4th. Please notify your counselor if you would like to set up an appointment.

October 9th: RHS Application Day for Seniors at 8:00 A.M and 2:00 P.M in the Library

October 16th: PSAT Test

October 19th: Uplift Incorporated, in collaboration with Epsilon Kappa Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, will host an ACT PREP WORKSHOP from 8AM-1PM at the Uplift Center. Only 50 slots are available. To register, please email fbranch3915@gmail.com 

October 22nd: RHS Application Day for Seniors at 8:00 A.M and 2:00 P.M in the Library

October 31st: Going to DELTA STATE? Apply on October 31st and your $25.00 application fee is WAIVED. Use Promo Code: DSUAPPDAY

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